conycatch v.
1. to ensnare in a confidence trick; thus conycatching, swindling, cheating.
Kind-Harts Dreame F4: The whole towne talks of the cunning man, that indeed had onely connycatcht his Host. | ||
‘A Libell against some Graye’s Inn gentlemen’ in May & Bryson Verse Libel 283: For as they say , / A cunycatching raskall you can play. | ||
Blind Beggar of Bednall-Green Act III: Look not on me, / Till you have found those that have Cony-catch’t you. [Ibid.] Act IV: Well on this condition you’ll teach me to cony, I am content to lye for you. | ||
Blurt master-constable n.p.: Cur. Fellonie? you cunny-catching slaue. Fris. Cunny-catching will beare an action; Ile cunny-catch you for this; if I can finde our key I will ayde you. | ||
Honest Whore Pt 1 I ii: Why sister do you thinke Ile cunni-catch you, when you are my coosen? | ||
A sermon 16: [W]hat is the cause of so much idlenes, beggery, cunny catching and shifting, yea and whoring in this Cittie. | ||
Epigrams III No. 36: Thus her good wit, their cunning ouer-matcht, / Were not these conycatchers conycatcht? | ||
City Wit IV ii: Truly, truly, I am Conycatch’d. | ||
Tinker of Turvey 8: Some that knew you had but weake eyes haue fool’d you, out-fac’d you, and Cunny-catch’d you. | ||
Brothers of the Blade 5: As you have many a time and often conney catcht her, so she woo’d now in the conclusion conney, catch you. | ||
Age for Apes 128: If I grant Protection to another To Conicatch, or to defeat his brother, My shallow Sconce is run on no such Shelfe As to neglect Protection for my selfe. | ||
Don Quixote of Mancha [trans.] 452: I see now ’twas quite another thing and that I was the first that was Conycatch’d, as your Greatness well observes. | ||
Gloss. (1888) I 189: To cony-catch. To deceive a simple person; to cheat or impose; a cony, or rabbit, being considered a very simple animal. [...] a collective society of sharpers was called a warren, and their dupes rabbit-suckers (that is, young rabbits) [...] At times the gang were bird-catchers, and their prey a gull. | ||
Olive of Minerva 143: How is it possible for a dowd to conycatch a seer simply because she has a cranny between her legs? |
2. to go out whoring or womanizing; thus cony-catching n., whoring.
Shoemakers’ Holiday IV iv: I came hither of purpose with shooes to sir Rogers worship, whilst Rose his daughter be coniecatcht by Hauns. | ||
Greenes Tu Quoque Scene xix: Tis scarce honest dealing for any man to Conny-catch another mans wife. | ||
Microcosmus Act V: I have coney-catcht many a poulterers wife, and she hath pluckt my feathers: what I got by the back I spent on the belly. | ||
Mercurius Fumigosus 11 9 Aug. 102: A Fiddling Fellow of this Town, accompanied with a brace of young Tormentors [...] being merrily disposed to learn the Art of Coney-catching, contrived to go a Ferritting with a Gun in a Gentle-mans Warren. | ||
London-Spy XI 264: Being almost Drunk, their Brains ran on Coney-Catching, and they must needs ... beg the Ladies good Company. | ||
Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden 31: He was [...] but a worn-out reprobate, a fellow of Fumbler’s Hall, a mere butterfingers at coney-catching! |