Green’s Dictionary of Slang

quoz n.1

[var. on quiz n. (1)]

an absurd person.

Bystander 93: Mr. World [i.e. the newspaper] might retort that Mr. Herald was a Quoz, and a low prin.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Mar. V 324/2: Such was precisely the origin of the word Quoz, which some few years ago was an object of so much ridiculous speculation; a word of no meaning whatsoever, but which was considered by the sagacious many as of deep import!
[Scot]C. Mackay Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions 325: Many years ago the favourite phrase (for, though but a monosyllable, it was a phrase in itself) was quoz. This odd word took the fancy of the multitude in an extraordinary degree, and very soon acquired an almost boundless meaning.