Green’s Dictionary of Slang

slowed adj.

[? slour (up) v. (2)]

(UK prison) locked up.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. 95: SLOWED, to be locked up — in prison.
[UK]Story of a Lancashire Thief 8: I heard from a chum, who was fly to every move on the board, that a regular don was likely to turn up in Manchester; a swell prig who had hooked it from London to escape being slowed.
[UK]Sl. Dict.
[US]C.B. Chrysler White Slavery 70: Can you imagine some poor ignorant ‘stiff’ going out and ‘prowling’ some house, takin’ a chance on gettin’ his ‘roof blowed off,’ or gettin’ ‘slowed’ and ‘slammed’ in the stir for a ‘ten spot’.