Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Don Cheech n.

also cheech, Don Cheechero
[generic ‘Italian’ name]

(US Und.) a senior member of the US Mafia.

[US]E. Torres Q&A 157: ‘[T]he guy belonged to some downtown cheech. There was a hell of a row with the mob and with the department’.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 5: Judge Rossi gave me equal time with the ‘Don Cheeches’. [Ibid.] 208: The ‘Don Cheecheros’ would pull up in the big cars.
(ref. to 1931) R.J. Scarfone House of Cards Ch. v.: He was sure The Boss himself would then promote him to Capo. With his own crew he could maybe attain even higher status: ‘Don Cheech!’.
(ref. to 1954) T.L. Jones Gambino Crime Family at The Crime Library Ch. VI 🌐 The man was Franscico Scalici otherwise known as Frank Scalise or Don Cheech, the sixty- three-year-old former family head and then its omnipotent representative in the Bronx.