Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Crownie n.

(Aus.) a bottle or can of Crown Lager beer.

Google Groups:alt.drunken.bastards 18 Nov. 🌐 This is OK if you like Crownies. I can handle one or two, but after that I get a hankering for a real beer, not some pissylagery thing.
Harv’s Ramblings 31 Dec. 🌐 Since when did Crownies become twisties? For many years Crown Lager was special in more ways than one from common domestic beers like VB and Carlton Draught - it was more expensive, tasted nicer and required a bloody bottle opener to get the lid off.
Big Footy: Forum 7 May 🌐 ‘Mate it was a top night we were on the Crownies’.
Betoota Advocate (Sydney) 18 Mar. 🌐 ‘Anyone who runs down Crownies are just bogans with no class,’ says Sharmayne.