Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cruet n.

1. (Aus.) the human head.

[Aus]Australasian (Melbourne) 23 June 49/4: ‘What would you do if you had to live with and be beholden to a man whose very presence in the room made you squirm?’ [...] ‘Do? Why I’d—I’d dong him on the cruet!’.
[Aus] ‘Whisper All Aussie Dict.’ in Kings Cross Whisper (Sydney) xxxiii 4/4: cruet: Head.
[Aus](con. 1941) R. Beilby Gunner 139: ‘Where did he get it?’ ‘Through the cruet.’.

2. (Aus.) as the cruets, the testicles.

[Aus]Big Footy 24 July 🌐 Knowing our luck it'll be upgraded to him trying to knee the other guy in the cruets.
[Aus]Sun. Mail (Brisbane) 26 Jan. 🌐 When legendary broadcasters H.G. Nelson and Roy Slaven referred to a sportsman being hit in the cruets or the wedding tackle, you didn't need a medical degree to work out what sort of pain the poor fellow would be enduring.

In phrases

do the cruet (v.)

(Aus.) to lose emotional control.

[Aus] ‘Whisper All Aussie Dict.’ in Kings Cross Whisper (Sydney) xxxiii 4/3: chuck a willy: Have a fit. [...] Do the block or the cruet.