creature, the n.
1. wine.
[ | A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament n.p.: And yet [Cyprian] speaketh shortly after, as plainely in the same Epistle [...] Howe shal we drynke with Christ newe wyne of the creature of the vyne]. | |
[ | The supper of our Lord 18: By the vertue of which wordes his body and blood being made of the creatures of bread and wine]. | |
Pride and Loveliness n.p.: The creature [i.e. wine] of the proper kind Was good, though use offenden therewithal [F&H]. | ||
Artachthos K3: The moderate use of the Creature, and sparing Dyet, which is very little practised. | ||
Mercurius Fumigosus 5 28 June 36: A She-Toper in Sheer-street [...] having lately swallowed too much of the Creature. | ||
The Committee IV i: Who wou’d have believ’d that we Shou’d have liv’d to have seen Obadiah overcome with the Creature? | ||
Anacreon done into Eng. out of the Orig. Greek Oxford n.p.: Once having taken a Cup too much of Creature, he came staggering homewards through the Market Place, etc . | ||
London Spy IV 75: The Sober Fraternity, who are allow’d of late to be as good Judges of the Comfortable Creature, as [...] a Latitudinarian Fuddle-Cap. | ||
Rambling Fuddle-Caps 14: Why shou’d not I love a Cup of the Creature, As well as my Father. | ||
Ferdinand Count Fathom I 72: The German [...] never went to bed without a full dose of the creature, which added to his constitutional drowsiness. | ||
Memoirs (trans. W. McGinn) III 106: Under the guise of friendship, she handed over the cup of consolation; nay, even the creature on tick, if the unemployed cracksman was likely soon to be flush. |
2. porter.
Henry IV Pt 2 II ii: My appetite was not princely got; for, by my troth, I do now remember the poor creature, small beer. | ||
Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 8: Beer — a common name for Ale or Porter [...] In Ireland, when good, ’tis [i.e. porter] ‘the creature’. |
3. (also craiter, craither, crater, crathur, cratur, crature, craychur, crayter, craythur, craytur, creater, creather, creatur, creetur, cretur, ould creature) whisky, esp. Irish whisky.
Pennsylvania Gazette 6 Jan. in AS XII:2 90: They come to be well understood to signify plainly that A MAN IS DRUNK. [...] He’s been too free with the Creature. | ‘Drinkers Dictionary’ in||
Spiritual Quixote II Bk vii 111: He seems to like a bit of the good cretur as well as other folks. | ||
Proc. Old Bailey 17 Sept. 980/1: By Jasus, says he, let us have a drop of the creature first, I afterwards asked him what the creature was? and he said, sure man alive it is good whisky. | ||
Song Smith 105: Och! call for the crater, and push it about [...] To the boys of the ocean we’ll swig it away. | ||
‘A Sup of good Whisky’ Jovial Songster 135: A sup of good whisky will make you glad; / Too much of the creature will make you mad. | ||
Spirit of Irish Wit 29: ‘May I never touch another drop of the creature’. | ||
Salisbury & Winchester Jrnl 8 June 3: I’ve taken a drop too much of the good cretur, and got sickish or so. | ||
Mornings in Bow St. 262: Mr. Nathan Nathan came into the hall, ‘brim-full of the cratur’. | ||
Life in the West I 308: ‘[A] little drop of the craiter’. | ||
Australian (Sydney) 12 May 4/1: James Day, another ‘boy’ well disposed to enjoy a drop of the ‘krathur’. | ||
Belfast News-Letter 2 Jan. 4/2: Cursecowl swashed the rest of the raw creature into the tankard. | ||
Narrative of the Life of D.C. (1934) 27: So I took ‘leetle of the creater,’ – that warmer of the cold, and cooler of the hot. | ||
Andrew Jackson 121: The Arrah Nows, with their fly-traps open, wou’d toss in a plum [with] a touch of the creather tu wash it down. | ||
Paul Pry 30 Sept. 181/2: Why—Sewell, the livery stable keeper, 'don't toss his wife in a blanket,' when she takes too much of the ‘Cratur?’. | ||
London Mag. Feb. 44: [T]he Prince has promised for to sind a [...] full kevotten, imparial mizzur, av the pure craytur, to iviry mother's son avus. | ||
Handy Andy 301: Instead of displaying that alacrity so universal in Ireland of sharing the ‘creature’ with a new comer, the men only pointed to the bottle. | ||
Proc. Old Bailey 22 Aug. 765: They tell me you love a drop of the cratur? | ||
Handley Cross (1854) 340: You ’aven’t a drop o’ the cretur with ye, ’ave ye? | ||
Peregrine Pultuney I 41: [A] young import from the Emerald Isle who made a mystical allustion to potheen, and apostrophized some favourite animal, which he called [...] ‘the creetur’. | ||
Pickings from N.O. Picayune (1847) 138: Jerry, having divers and sundry times in his life been magnetized by the crathur. | ||
Bell’s Life in Sydney 18 Nov. 1/5: I’ll give you a dhrop of the crater, to comfort your bowels. | ||
Sam Sly 20 Jan. 3/2: He advises that man who creeps about the Dark House, New- gate-market [...] not take so many drops of the ould creature. | ||
Clelio 95: In our profession much drink don’t do [...] There isn’t a man in the band, now, that takes too much of the cratur. | ||
‘A Modest Irishman!’ in Polly Peablossom’s Wedding 160: He had a touch or two of the ‘craythur’. | ||
Bell’s Life in Sydney 3 July 3/3: Mister Heley being a gintleman who is rather fond of a drop of the crature [...] drinking a few tumblers of Irish whiskey. | ||
‘Mulvaney & O’Flanagan’ Donnybrook-Fair Comic Songster 55: May he and his whole dirty band / Be choked when they next drink the ‘cratur!’. | ||
Mercury (Hubart) 23 Apr. 2/5: [from the Stranraer Free Press] [...] drop o’ the cratur . | ||
Won in a Canter I 157: [T]he poteen, mother of Moses! sure it’s grand entirely [...] there's not such a drap of the cratur in all Tipperary. | ||
Sportsman (Melbourne) 8 Feb. 2/5: ‘This whisky is aa hot as lava,’ said the immature stranger [...] ‘What else did ye expect? [...] didn’t you ask for a drop of tlie crater’. | ||
Bristol Magpie 22 June 3/2: Bigworded Cockney Employer to Highland gamekeeper addicted to a drop o’ the cratur). | ||
Manchester Courier 5 June 10/3: Another howls to Mike somebody to come and a drop of the ‘crater’. | ||
‘Bail Up!’ 215: Devil fly away wid the smoke that a glass of good crater doesn’t improve. | ||
Birmingham Dly Post 31 Mar. 3/4: He had been on the spree for a week, and wvas dying for a drink to quench his raging thirst, without having the wherewithal to pay for a single drop of the crathur. | ||
Mirror of Life 20 Jan. 6/4: [M]any times when he has been seen to enter public-houses to indulge in a little of the ‘Ould craythur’. | ||
Mirror of Life 6 Apr. 11/3: Biddy O’Brien was very fond of a drop of the cratur. | ||
Boy’s Own Paper 13 May 522: Sure, ye’ll excuse me, sorr, but I niver taste the craytur. | ||
Weekly Freeman 16 Nov. (1970) 73: Blow me! ’twas a pity I didn’t think of bringin’ a sup of the crathur wid me. | ‘The Disappearance of Mrs. Mulreany’ in||
Sun. Times (Perth) 2 Oct. 4/7: As dacent a dhrop av the cratur as iver an exciseman niver clapped his papers on in Ould Oireland, be cripes. | ||
Venturesome Tom 54: What with the drubbing he had received and too much of ‘the crathur,’ poor Dinny lay dead drunk. | ||
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era 97/2: Craythur, Craytur, or Craychur (Irish). Whiskey ; e.g., ‘Oh, for the love o’ God giv me now a taste o’ the craythur.’. | ||
True Drunkard’s Delight 229: Irish whisky being otherwise known as [...] the crater, cratur or creature. | ||
In Praise of Poteen 142: Muldoon settles down, mug of punch in hand, to tell you of ‘the good old days’ when he made the ‘cratur’. |
4. brandy.
Spy on Mother Midnight I 24: Let’s all take a Sup of the Creature. [...] A Dram of right Nantz is an excellent Cordial. | ||
Old Mortality in Waverley II (1855) 385: The comfortable creature, which the carnal do denominate brandy. | ||
Tom Cringle’s Log (1862) 325: He produced two bottles of brandy [...] and a small silver drinking cup, with him, so we passed the crature round. |
5. gin; may be a misinterpretation by Bee; but Mayhew cit. goes on to cite gin specifically.
Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 59: Creature — another name for gin, or other strong drink. | ||
Satirist (London) 9 Dec. 394/2: ‘[T]wo dacent people, who comes in and axes politely for the right sort of cratur’. | ||
(con. 1840s–50s) London Labour and London Poor IV 233/1: When she got the money [...] I took it all, and laid it out for her, but never a drop of the crater passed down Chaney Emm’s lips. |
In phrases
a drink of strong liquor, usu. (Irish) whisky, though note cite 1647.
Querela Cantabrigiensis 15: [of small beer] [T]he drinke throwne in the keanell, rather then the famished and parched throats of the wicked, as they esteem'd them, should usurp one drop of the creatur. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Cup of the creature Strong-liquor. | ||
New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Cup of the creature, a cup of good liquor. | |
Collection of Songs II 46: My joy and delight / Was, on Saturday night, / A drop of the creature to swig. | ‘A Drop of the Creature’||
Sporting Mag. Oct. IX 25/2: A wife, who, like some of her sex, is rather fond of a drop of the good creature. | ||
Life in London (1869) 219: Kit Blarney [...] has dropped in for the purposes of lighting her short pipe, to get a drap of the crature. | ||
Paul Clifford I 158: Here’s summat for you in the mean while, – a drop o’ the cretur, to preach comfort to your poor stomach. | ||
Mr Mathews’ Comic Annual 15: Jan, take a drop of the cratur. | ||
‘Tippling Paddy Flannagan’ Dublin Comic Songster 177: The water, he said, made him dry, / So he asked for a drop o’ the crature. | ||
Mysteries and Miseries of N.Y. I 76: An now a wee drap of the crater wudn’t hurt us. | ||
Scalp-Hunters II 190: In trath, Misther Gowdey; an’ it’s meself ’ud go far this blissed night for a dhrap o’ the crayter. | ||
‘Tim Finigan’s Wake’ in Comic and Sentimental Song Bk 60: He’d a drop of the creatur’ every morn. | ||
Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 25 Sept. 13/4: A gentleman had a wife who was altogether too fond of a ‘drop of the crathur’. | ||
Standard 14 Aug. 2: Says he, ‘Maggie,’ have a drop of the cratur [F&H]. | ||
Bird o’ Freedom 8 Jan. 5/1: Bridget, it’s a cauld ye have. A throp of the craythur ’ll do ye no harm. | ||
My Lady of the Chimney Corner 110: Nearly everybody had ‘a dhrap o’ th’ craither’ and a bite of fadge. | ||
Mourne Folk 29: Ye must have a drop of the cratur with us afore ye go. | ||
Stories & Plays (1973) 161: Yerrah, Captain, wait till you get a drop of the good ould crature into you. | Faustus Kelly in ‘Flann O’Brien’||
Strip Jack 102: A drop of the cratur wouldn’t go amiss though, if it’s not too much trouble. |