Green’s Dictionary of Slang

puckerow v.

also puckerlow, puckerao,puckero
[Hind. पकड़ाओ (pakṛāo), imperative of पकड़ना (pakaṛnā), to seize, catch, lay hold of; ‘Puckerow, v. This is properly the imperative of the Hind. verb pakṛāā, ‘to cause to be seized,’ pakṛāo, ‘cause him to be seized’; or perhaps more correctly of a compound pakṛ-āo, ‘seize and come,’ or in our idiom, ‘Go and seize.’ (Y&B)]

(Anglo-Ind.) to seize; to grab or nab; to take hold of.

[Ind][C. D’Oyly] Tom Raw, the Griffin 316: But better late than never, – as they say. / So we’ll now give it. – When the foe gave way. / They were pursued and puckerlow’d, and Cossim / Ordered his long resisted debt to pay / With interest twelve per cent.
[UK]Oriental Sporting Mag. (1873) 15 July 395: [H]aving taken a pull at the brandy flask to ensure a correct tone to the system, we enlisted (a term we learnt during the Looshai expedition, Mr. Editor: – it means ‘puckaro’d’) one or two of the boldest of the bystanders.
[Ind]J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 24 Feb. 185/1: Presently a man – another – and a third, dashed pass the tomb. ‘Puckerow! Puckerow!’ (‘seize! seize!’) called out the voice of a horseman a few yards in their rear.
[Ind]Bombay Qly Rev. V 134: ‘A thorough chor, Sir, is that fellow; – always puckerao-ing Griffs for that punch-khana of Rustomjee’s’.
[Ind]G.O. Trevelyan ‘Dawk Bungalow’ in Fraser’s Mag. Mar. 390: Fanny, I am cutcha no longer. Surely you will allow a lover who is pucka to puckero. (Takes her hand).
[UK]H.A. Giles Subjects connected with the Far East 1114: PUCKEROW, TO. Slang term, common in India and China, signifying to appropriate other people’s property.
[UK]Kipling ‘The Taking of Lungtungpen’ in Plain Tales from Hills (1889) 113: ‘We hunted, an’ we hunted, an’ tuk fever an’ elephints now an’ again; but no dacoits. Evenshually, we puckarowed wan man. ‘Trate him tinderly,’ sez the Lift’nint. So I tuk him away into the jungle, wid the Burmese Interprut’r an’ my clanin’-rod’.
[UK]Kipling ‘The Three Musketeers’ in Plain Tales from Hills (1889) 73: ‘Hall right,’ sez we, ‘you puckrow that there pony an’ come along. This Sahib’s been decoited, an’ we’re going to resky ’im!’.
[Ind]Civil & Milit. Gaz. (Lahore) 26 Oct. 1/4: The way he treated poor Miss C, deserved he vivisection. / For all the while he pukkeroed the girl’s dibs and caresses.
[Ind]M. Macmillan Globe Trotter in India 82: Puckerao, samjhao, maro, and banao are likewise colloquially conjugated as English verbs, especially by English soldiers.
W.A. Fraser ‘The Rechristening of Diablo’ in McClure’s Mag. Sept. 429/2: ‘Puckerow Johnson sahib afore ‘e gets hoff ’ome,’ said Drake, decisively; ‘an’ keep ’im in jail till ‘e pays hup’.
[Ind]A. Mervyn Smith Sport & Adventure in Indian Jungle Mar. 185: ‘Here, puckerow juldee! Pack up ek-dum! (take hold quick, pack up at once). Gad, we must get into the station sharp’.