Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hippy-dippy adj.

also hippy-dip
[hippie adj. + dippy adj. (1); note Cooper, The Scene (1960): ‘Hippy-dippy, sometimes kiddy, cry for your bottle when you want your titty’ used to berate one who is acting childishly]

1. (US black) immature, juvenile.

[US]C. Cooper Jr Scene (1996) 253: Hippy-dippy. Just beginning. Seventeen or eighteen. Recently inaugurated to the ranks of the regulars.

2. eccentric with added overtones of hippiedom; occas. as a n.

[US]J.A. Williams Night Song (1962) 77: He wasn’t always layin’ on you with hippy-dip talk.
[US]A. Young Snakes (1971) 79: She couldnt dig what I was into and went for all this old hippy-dippy shit.
[US](con. 1960s) M. Kingston Tripmaster Monkey 45: I looked like some hippy dippy’s idea of a hippy dippy.
[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 91: Then fucking Glastonbury, fucking hippy-dippy heaven, come up with this aggressive anti-piracy stance.
[UK]D. O’Donnell Locked Ward (2013) 145: But that was Theo. He believed in [...] anything and evertthing hippy-dippy, bohemian or beatnik.
[UK]Observer New Rev. 5 Feb. 34/3: She was hippy-dippy . . . wore leotards .
[Aus]P. Papathanasiou Stoning 187: ‘[S]ome hippy-dippy city bullshit about political correctness’.