Green’s Dictionary of Slang

any God’s quantity n.

many, a good number.

Carson Dly Appeal (NV) 2 Oct. 3/1: The party had splendid luck, having [...] slaughtered ‘any god’s quantity’ of quail and grouse.
Seattle Dly Post-Intelligencer (WA) 4 Dec. 2/6: We haven’t a great deal of money, but any God’s quantity of propertty.
[US]Durham Dly Globe (NC) 27 Aug. 1/2: We’ve got the resources, any God’s quantity of them.
[Aus]E.S. Sorenson Quinton’s Rouseabout and other Stories 131: ‘Are there many about here?’ / ‘Eny Gorsquantity.’.
[US]East Oregonian (Pendleton, OR) 16 Aug. 4/1: Perkins is [...] going to see taht the bull moose bridgade has ‘Any God’s quanitty of money’.
[Aus]C.E.W. Bean Anzac Book 135/2: And they counted and they found umpteen million men of valour, two ships, [...] umpteen billion rolls of paper money and ennygottsquantitee gas.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 280: There is a bloody big foxy thief beyond by the garrison church at the corner of Chicken Lane – old Troy was just giving me a wrinkle about him – lifted any God’s quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a farm in the county.