Green’s Dictionary of Slang

come-off n.

[earlier use is SE]

(US) a result.

[[UK]Etherege She Would if She Cou’d V i: What a miraculous come off this is, Madam!].
[US]W.T. Thompson Chronicles of Pineville 82: Well [...] if that aint a nice come off, dadfetch me!
[US]L.W. Payne Jr ‘Word-List From East Alabama’ in DN III:v 359: pretty come-off, n. phr. An unfortunate circumstance, a regrettable condition. ‘It’s a pretty come-off that you are not ready for meetin’.’.
[US]F. Hurst ‘Heads’ in Humoresque 173: I should sit at home now since we got a new mouth to feed? That would be a fine come-off!
[US]V.F. Nelson Prison Days and Nights 27: The four coons wind up getting [...] twenty-five years. Ain’t that a swell come-off?
[US]Z.N. Hurston Seraph on the Suwanee (1995) 657: That would be a hot come-off when we don’t even know where we are going to be ourselves.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 47/1: Come-off. A happening; an event; an outcome.
[US](con. 1928) J. Breslin Damon Runyon (1992) 269: There’s been a comeoff.