Green’s Dictionary of Slang

moskeneer n.

also moschineer, moskin
[moskeneer v.]

a pawner, esp. one who pawns articles for more than they are worth, for a living.

[UK]P.H. Emerson Signor Lippo 51: A moschineer went up and said, ‘Hair cut, please, Mr. Barber’.
[UK]Binstead & Wells Pink ’Un and Pelican 115: One day when the moskeneer thought he was takin’ in a ’lectro-plated tea an’ corfee service, she strung him for fifty bob on an old tea-chest an’ a jar o’ pickled inyuns!
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 29 June 3/5: The shortest day is past. And we may get our spring suit out of Moskin.