Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ferschlugginer adj.

also furshlugginer
[Yid. farshlogn, worried, careworn]

(US) confounded, darned, wretched.

[US]Mad mag. Dec.–Jan. 4: Now maybe dot fershlugginer landlord send up some heat. [Ibid.] 6: Cutting up these fershlugginer bodies for autropsies and such.
[US]Mad mag. June 40: Living for Young Furshlugginers.
[US]L.A. Times 4 Jun. VII 5: Whosever [sic] got the fershluginer bug, put the fershluginer bug outta my bus [HDAS].
R. Rucker 57th Kafka 209: Where did you boys say you were losing that furshlugginer inertia-winder? [HDAS].
‘Journal of the Hyperlinked Organisation’ at 9 Oct. 🌐 Like a special ‘origins’ issue of the Superman comic, Chris actually explains how we came up with such a ferschlugginer name for a ’zine.
[US]Mad mag. Feb. 4: Later in the day it is rumored he put to furshlugginer award up on eBay.
GOPUSA 19 July 🌐 If you think I’m totin’ that dingdong ferschlugginer computer to LaCrosse you’d better take 2 aspirins and lie down.