Green’s Dictionary of Slang

blue-eyed adj.2

[note blue adj.5 ]

(US) euph. for damned adj., esp. in phr. what in the blue-eyed world.

[UK]A.N. Lyons Arthur’s 220: Yaller Boots ain’t no blue-eyed novice be a long chalk. [Ibid.] 243: Why, bless my soul, when on the teetotal lay, I’ve ’ave seen that man kerry on more like a (blue-eyed) curate than a – a person.
[US](con. c.1910) S.H. Holbrook Holy Old Mackinaw 7: Vulgar and shopworn phrases like ‘blue-eyed, bandy-legged, jumped-up ol’ whistlin’ Jesus H. Mackinaw Christ.’.
on Golden Age of Television (1988) [ABC-TV] What in the blue-eyed world are you talkin’ about [HDAS].
[US]R. Barrett Lovomaniacs (1973) 333: Not that there was a thing in the ever-lovin’, blue-eyed world that I could do about it!
[US]R.E. Sullivan 27 Nov. [email] The Marines were spitting and coughing, and wondering what in the blue-eyed world was going on.
Navarre Press (FL) 28 July n.p.: What in the blue-eyed world do you do with a ‘fuzzy pickle?’ How ’bout a ‘hairy hamburger?’.