Green’s Dictionary of Slang

all tan and teeth phr.

used of a man who is superficially attractive but lacks greater depth; used similarly of females.

A. Gill Berlin to Bucharest 158: The girl singers, who doubled as modest go-go dancers, were all tan and teeth, and could have been imported from California.
R. Reilly Missing Links 32: A man straight out of a J. Crew catalogue — crushingly handsome, all tan and teeth, curly golden hair, a 20th Century Fox chin, white linen pants [...].
[UK]Guardian G2 14 June 7: [of a gay man] ‘He’s all tan and teeth, honey,’ said one of my bitchier friends.
V. Kantra Born to Protect 130: Jack conjured up a blond, long-haired surfer dude, all tan and teeth.