Green’s Dictionary of Slang

raw prawn n.

[the foodstuff and the concept are both ‘hard to swallow’]

1. an unfair action or circumstance, anything far-fetched; thus come the raw prawn, to act resentfully or unpleasantly; to be rude.

[Aus]‘Nino Culotta’ They’re a Weird Mob (1958) 85: Drawn the raw prawn again.
[Aus]J. O’Grady Aussie Eng. (1966) 74: Aw, don’t come the raw prawn, mate—go an’ find another mug.
[Aus]J. Byrell (con. 1959) Up the Cross 115: Brucie [...] copped the don’t-come-the-raw-prawn treatment. So he fastened his yap.

2. someone who is easy to deceive, a dupe.

[Aus](con. 1940s) E. Lambert Glory Thrown In (1961) 29: Don’t ever come the raw prawn with Doc, mate. He knows all the lurks.
[Aus]S. Gore Holy Smoke 47: I dunno who’s trying to hand who the raw prawn.
[UK]Galton & Simpson ‘Cuckoo in the Nest’ Steptoe and Son [TV script] Well, don’t let’s stand here like a couple of raw prawns.
[UK]N. Barlay Hooky Gear 162: Brawn an brain need raw prawn for dem game. An here I am all use up an raw like a fuckin prawn in a game.

In phrases