Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cruise n.

[cruise v. (1)]

1. (US Und.) a male homosexual who picks up partners on the street.

[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 53/1: Cruise, n. (West and Pacific Coast) A male oral sodomist who makes street pickups. ‘That cruise we robbed looked like a bum but he went for four C’s (four hundred dollars) on the shake (extortion).’.

2. (gay) a quick glance that assesses a passing individual in sexual terms.

[US]R. Price Ladies’ Man (1985) 240: Donny gave me a shot in the ribs. ‘Your first cruise’. [Ibid.] 243: Most of the guys passing gave him a heavy cruise.
[UK]Guardian Guide 31 July–6 Aug. 93: Were you or were you not on a gay cruise?