Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mosker n.

[moskeneer v.]

a swindler who specializes in defrauding pawnbrokers; also attrib.

[UK]Dly Gaz. for Middlesborough 21 July 5/5: Within the limits of the metropolis there are at least a score of the ‘mosker’ tribe.
[UK]Daily Tel. 9 July 3, col. 1: The mosker... is, in slang vernacular, one who makes a living by taking advantage of the business incapacity of persons engaged in the pawnbroking trade, and by subtle wiles and subterfuge imposes on their credulity and weak good nature .
[UK]Nott. Eve. Post 11 July 1/6: ‘I have found what is known as a “mosker” — a professional pawner,’ said a detective.
[UK]S. Jackson Indiscreet Guide to Soho 121: He was a highly efficient ‘mosker,’ a crook who specialises in pawnbroking swindles.
[UK](con. 1900s) R.T. Hopkins Banker Tells All 126: What has become of those shadowy individuals who were known to the police as lil-fakers, moskers and duffers? [...] A mosker is a gentleman who endeavours to pledge articles of jewellery with pawnbrokers for considerably more than their actual worth.