Green’s Dictionary of Slang

skomfaan n.

also sgomfaan
[Zulu isigomfane, formed on gomfa, to bend, crouch or stoop; presumably its effects ‘knock down’ the drinker]

(S.Afr. township) a potent illicitly-brewed alcoholic drink.

[Scot]Post 16 Feb. n.p.: Mrs Selina M– travels all the way from Zone 3 in Meadowlands for her regular fruit can of ‘sgomfaan’ [DSAE].
P. Clarke in Contrast 32 8:4 27: One of the skomfaan-drinkers... asked her to give him a rag to wipe off a spoon he had used ... in the jam-tin skaal out of which he had been drinking skomfaan [DSAE].
[SA]M. Melamu Children of Twilight 163: Mma-Lekwete’s special brew called skomfaan, a curious mixture of such incredible ingredients as methylated spirits, used dynamite, malt and various other odds and ends reputed to give the much desired ‘kick’ to the concoction [DSAE].