Green’s Dictionary of Slang

break down v.1

[SE breakdown, to dismantle]

1. (Aus.) to water alcohol.

[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 14 July 4/7: Whiskey merely swells the list / Of our vile disorders, / So this fine philanthropist, / ‘Break It Down for Boarders’.

2. (Aus./N.Z.) to make lighter.

[Aus]R.S. Close Love me Sailor 175: Not my fault the old man logged you, Mister Samuals. I’ll do my best to break it down with the owners.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 132/1: C.20.

3. (US campus) to relax.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Spring 1: break down – take it easy, relax: I’ve had a long week – two exams and a paper. This weekend I’m going to break down.