Green’s Dictionary of Slang

glass eyes n.1

also glasseye

one who wears spectacles.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue ms. additions n.p.: Glass Eyes. A Nick name for one Wearing Spectacles.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (3rd edn) n.p.:
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[US](con. 1914–18) L. Nason Three Lights from a Match 254: Only ‘Glasseyed Ike’ there, washes his [...] ‘Glasseye,’ asked one of the men, ‘where the hell did you ever get that thing?’.
[UK]I. & P. Opie Lore and Lang. of Schoolchildren (1977) 192: Occasionally he is ‘Eye balls’, ‘Glass eyes’, ‘Googlie eyes’.

In phrases

have glass eyes (v.)

to be drunk.

[UK] Gent.’s Mag. Dec. 560/1: To express the condition of an Honest Fellow [...] under the Effects of good Fellowship, [...] it is also said that he has– ...] 61. Got glass eyes.