Green’s Dictionary of Slang

liberty n.

[the liberty that supposedly comes with wealth]

1. (US) money.

[US]L.E. Ruggles Navy Explained 102: Sailormen [...] probably coin more words for money than any other body of men [...] jingles, liberty, bait, sou, armor, plate, holy stones, joy berries, and many others.
[UK]G. Ingram Cockney Cavalcade 201: Some were, in the vernacular, ‘liberty-takers,’ and used forceful methods to extort money.
[US]B. Jackson Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 137: There ain’t but one woman in this world for me, / her picture’s on the dollar and they call her Liberty. / She’ll feed you when you’re hungry, she’ll buy your clothes.

2. (US, esp. black) a quarter, a 25-cent coin.

[US]M.H. Boulware Jive and Sl.