Green’s Dictionary of Slang

back-talk v.

[back-talk n.]

to cheek, to be impudent; thus back-talker n.

[US]‘Max Brand’ Rustlers of Beacon Creek (1935) 42: I won’t back talk.
[US]J. Peterkin Bright Skin 67: Don’ back-talk me, Cricket. I know what I’m sayin’.
[Aus]R. Tate Doughman 75: You’re a crawling little loafer and a dirty back-talker.
[US]B. Appel ‘Dock Walloper’ in Pronzini & Adrian Hard-Boiled (1995) 252: Don’t you back-talk me!
[US]J. Thompson ‘The Frightening Frammis’ in Fireworks (1988) 107: He wished she would back-talk him a little, give him some reason to put the slug on her.
[US](con. 1920s) J. Thompson South of Heaven (1994) 113: A character who backtalked and roughed up a cop.
[US]J. Ridley Love Is a Racket 88: Some boulevard whore too stupid to know she shouldn’t backtalk her pimp.
[US]G. Hayward Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 41: That ain’t all. He’s back-talking his mother, too!