Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sav n.1


a saveloy.

[UK]A. Chevalier ‘Blue Ribbon Jane’ 🎵 She’d a ’a’penny buster, an’ a sav’ry sav.
H. Champion ‘Hot Meat Pies, Saveloys & Trotters’ [monologue] There’s everything you fancy from a salmon to a sav.
[UK]J. Curtis Gilt Kid 75: Cup o’ tea, sav and a slice.
[Aus]D. Hewett Bobbin Up (1961) 10: NOW ON – HOT FISH [...] SAVS.
[Aus]R. Beckett Dinkum Aussie Dict. 45: Sav: Short for a largish dyed sausage known as a saveloy, which is a sort of inflated frankfurter or hot dog.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Boys from Binjiwunyawunya 14: he left three pieces of flathead and a battered sav still bubbling in the oil.
Fodor’s N.Z. 291: Fair chance Fair suck of the sav: Fair deal.
[NZ]P. Shannon Davey Darling 160: Bloody skinny old smoked sav in a roll with some onions didn’t impress me.

In phrases

battered sav (n.)

(Aus.) a saveloy covered in a flour and water paste, fixed on a lollipop stick and deep fried.

World’s News (Sydney) 22 Jan. 22/2: ‘Lovely little islands with date palms and milk bars and naked sheilas sellin' chips.’ ‘Selling what?’ ‘Chips—’ot chips and battered savs’.
[Aus]A. Buzo Front Room Boys Scene v: Aaah, get a battered sav and shove it.
[Aus]R. Beckett Dinkum Aussie Dict. 45: A battered sav on a stick (for the uninitiated: a saveloy covered in a flour and water paste, impaled on a popsicle bat and then deep fried) is still an esteemed Australian fair ground snack.
[UK]K. Lette Llama Parlour 62: I wanted to be famous enough to be able to tell Rondah Rivers to go suck a battered sav.
fair suck of the sav (n.) (also fair suck of the sausage)

a fair chance, an equal opportunity.

[Aus]Canberra Times (ACT) 12 July 15: [crossword clue] Fair suck of the sav. (Catchphrase of legendary Oz comedian born Harcy van der Sluys, but better known by much shorter nickname).
Fodor’s N.Z. 291: Fair chance Fair suck of the sav: Fair deal.
[Aus]S. Maloney Sucked In 238: A regulated labour market and multiculturalism and a fair suck at the sausage.
[UK]Guardian CiF 23 Feb. 🌐 Fair suck of the sav fellas! You can’t expect self appointed, for life, dictators who got there (by) revolting to succumb to a revolution.