Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rhubarbs, the n.

[play on rhy. SE rhubarbs/suburbs + pun on sticks n.2 /SE sticks of rhubarb sticks n.2 ]

(US) the suburbs, the provinces.

G. Patten Covering the Look-in Corner 291: Until I came to Hillsboro I never imagined what the game meant as it’s played out in the rhubarbs.
M.C. Moos Republicans 342: Out in the ‘rhubarbs’ one sure-fire method on the hustings of getting blood to pound in the veins of many small businessmen was to mention the wickedness [etc.].
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 56: The Great American Jungle, hayseed country, hickdom, hoosierdom, jakedom, jay country, the rhubarbs (apparently a blend of rube and suburb).