Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kittie n.

also kittok
[the popular name + ref. to cat n.1 (1a)]

a prostitute.

[Scot]Dunbar ‘A General Satyre’ in Laing Poems (1834) II 27: Sa mony ane Kittie drest up with goldin chenye.
[Scot]Dunbar (attrib.) ‘My Gudame’ in Kinsley Poems (1989) 101: My dame wes a gay wif [...] Thay callit her Kynd Kittok.
[UK]D. Lyndsay ‘Kitties Confessioun’ in Laing Works I 134: The Curate Kittie wald have kist; Bot yit ane countenance he bure / Degeist, devote, daine, and demore.
[Scot]D. Lyndsay Satyre of Thrie Estaits II (1604) 139: To steill ane sillie stump or sleife, Vnto Kittok his wyfe.