Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shoot n.

1. an ejaculation; an act of sexual intercourse.

[UK] ‘Tear Duff Billy’ Ri-tum Ti-tum Songster 17: For my two shoots, / I forked her out a tanner.
[UK] ‘Smutty Jonathans’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 43: Being friskily inclined, / I met a mot so fair and kind, / When to have a shoot – I did require, / ’Stead of her – I poked it into the fire.

2. (UK Und./Aus.) constructed with the, dismissal from a job or place of residence.

[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 50: ‘Your doss gorger cracked a wid about you to me, and said she must give you the shoot.’ ‘Shoot! what for?’ roared poor Fuzzy [...] ‘Why because you made a dunniken of your cupboard, and used to lag in the coffee pot.’.
[Aus]Stephens & O’Brien Materials for a Dict. of Aus. Sl. [unpub. ms.].
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 5 Jan. 4/8: All shall depart where no shop-walker’s wink / Spells a ‘surprise’ or ‘shoot’.

3. (W.I.) one who is infected with an STD.

[WI]Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 48: Shoot a person who is shooting is infected with V.D.: u. de gal a shoot.

4. (UK black/drugs) an act of drug-dealing.

[UK]G. Krauze What They Was 163: I’ve seen him [...] hitting shoots, getting his line banging with nittys.

5. see shot n.1 (3a)

6. see shout n.

In compounds

staight shoot (n.)

(US black) an interrupted route, a direct journey.

[US]Lillie May Glover q. in McKee & Chisenhall Beale Black & Blue 156: We were a quarter-mile off Highway 70, the straight shoot to Memphis that was to West Tennessee blues musicians what Highway 61 was to those in the Mississippi Delta.

In phrases

whole bang shoot (n.)

see separate entry.