Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grouse n.3

[grouse adj.]

(Aus. Und.) a tailor-made, rather than a prison-issue cigarette.

[Aus]J. Alard He who Shoots Last 125: Gee, thanks, Ragged. Da stuff’s like gold in here . . . gees, it’s da grouse weed too – we gits a coupla ounces a week, but boob weed is like smokin’ horse dung.
[Aus]J. McNeil Chocolate Frog (1973) 17: Shirker: Hey? Oh, yeah [...] a grouse’d go well, all right. Tosser: Like, a tailor-made, I mean [...] Shirker: Yeah. I know what yer mean. A grouse’d go all right.
[Aus]Adamson & Hanford Zimmer’s Essay 53: ‘You got any grouse?’ [...] ‘You bring any smokes with you?’.