Green’s Dictionary of Slang

roast pork n.1

[rhy. sl.]

1. a talk; also as v.

[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. Rhy. Sl.
[UK]Dodson & Saczek Dict. of Cockney Rhy. Sl. 36: roast pork. Talk; usually reduced to roast, also roasting, often with ref. to making a complaint as in: Now, what are you roasting about? (early 20th c.).
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 981/1: roast pork. To, a, talk [...] since ca. 1910.
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.
[Aus]Pete’s Aussie Sl. Home Page 🌐 roast pork: a talk.

2. a table fork.

[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl. 114/2: roast pork [...] (2) fork, was current in the army during the second war.
[UK]Dodson & Saczek Dict. of Cockney Rhy. Sl.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn).
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.
[UK]B. Kirkpatrick Wicked Cockney Rhy. Sl.