Green’s Dictionary of Slang

planets n.

(Aus.) the coins used in a game of ‘two-up’, thus spin the planets, to play two-up; however note special use below.

[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 2 Oct. 1/2: Any one spinning the ‘planets’ or holding the kip will have to hump his bluey and look for work elsewhere.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 17 June 4/3: Already several proselytes of the ‘planets’ have been sent to the cool corridors of Darlinghurst, and prospective offenders are warned of the wrath to come in the shape of longer ’stretches’.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 29 Jan. 1/3: Recently the game of two-up has been bumped into the limelight. [...] We have military authorities telling us some soldiers preferred to spin the planets when they should have prayed, prior to shaking hands with death, at the zero moment of hopping over.

In phrases

spin the planet (v.)

a means of cheating at two-up: a double-headed coin is substituted for a legitimate one during the toss .

Eve. Teleg. (Charters Towers) 29 Apr. 2/5: Besides they claim two-up is a game of skill that defies police interference, yet (anyone who has ever played the game knows the only skill attached to it is ‘ringing in’ a ‘knob’ (two-headed coin), or ‘grey’ (two tails), which is termed ‘spinning the planet,’ and is usually done from a slot underneath the kip. That is if the ringkeeper is not in with you, for if he is he will allow you to place the cronk coin on top of the kip, and smother it up afterwards.
[Aus]Worker (Brisbane) 13 June 15/2: Other witnesses swore Thornton was ‘spinning the planet’ on the mug. (That is, holding one of the genuine coins on the kip while the second coin is sent up from under the kip).
[Aus]Truth (Sydney) 20 Oct. 9/2: Lorien turned a glassy eye and a vitriolic tongue on the bill. He affirmed that the club in question was a hot joint that flourished on gambling. While Chinamen and others could not ‘catchem five marks,’ or ‘spin the planet,’ on account of the law, the House was now asked to legalise a greater gambling joint.