Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Adam and Eve ball n.


1. an orgy, a ballum rancum n. (1)

Pepys Diaries 30 May: My Lady Bennett [well-known from promisicuity] and her ladies [at] an Adam and eve ball.
Dryden Works VI 115: Fresh Wenches, and Ballum Rankum every night [note] More politely and intelligibly called an ‘Adam and Eve ball.’— ED.

2. an early dancing party to which the guests are invited until midnight only [at such a time they are fig. ejected from (social) Eden].

Atheneum 11 Sept. 324/1: The rooms were closed, and the once deserted taverns were crowded again; and at some lower ‘Almacks’ is established that horror of horrors, an ‘Adam and Eve ball’.