arsey-varsey phr.
1. upside down, topsy-turvy, back-to-front.
(trans.) Proverbes or Adages by Erasmus (1569) 58: Ye set the cart before the horse. [...] cleane contrarily, and arsy-versy as they say . | ||
Erasmus’ Apophthegms (1564) Bk I 6: Many persons doe arsee versee, in that thei take the losse of a little money, more greuously at the harte, then the losse of a frende. | (trans.)||
Tom Tyler and his Wife (1661) in (1908) 43: She looked very arsy-versy at her first coming in. | ||
Chronicles (Ireland) II 26/2: The estate of that flourishing towne was turned arsie versie, topside the other waie. | ||
Dutch Curtezan III iv: Lord these boyes doe things arsie varsie. | ||
in | et al World of Wonders 44: Both he and his fellowes deale with the Latin as they thinke good, vsing words arsie-versie.||
Eclogue Between yong Willy and old Wernocke 19: Willy, why lig’st thou (man) so wo-be-gon? [...] Is some conteck ’twixt thy loue and thee? Or, else some loue-warke arsie-varsie tane? | ||
Devil’s Law-Case IV ii: May it please the Court, I am but a yong thing, And was drawne arsie varsie into the businesse. | ||
Moderate Intelligencer 11: The world’s turn’d arsey varsey, upside downe. | ||
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk I 43: This little lecher was always groping his nurses and governesses, upside down, arsiversy, topsiturvy, harri bourriquet. | (trans.)||
‘Bum-Fodder’ Rump Poems and Songs (1662) II 56: ’Tis a pittifull passe you men of the Sword / Have brought yourselves to, that the Rump’s your Lord, / And Arsie Versie must be the word. | ||
Proverbs (2nd edn) 349: We have in our language many the like [...] arsy versy, kim kam, hub bub, crawly mauly. | ||
Mystic Divinity 24: I fai the whol frame of the World [...] to circumgyrate, to wheel, whirl and turn round about in a Topsi-Turvi (excuse the expression) as if everi man went the wrong waie to work; All arsi-varsi. | ||
‘Jenny Cromwells Complaint against Sodomy’ Harleian Mss. 73I5.226: Till you came in and with your Reformation, / Turn’d all things Arsy Versy in the nation. | ||
Glass Window, or, Bog-house Miscellany B2: Dean's Yard, Westminster, in Charcoal, on a Wall, a Verse to be read upwards or downwards or arsey-versey the same. | ||
Norfolk Chron. 20 July 4/3: Definitions of words, phrases, etc. which Dr Johnson and other learned lexicographers have thought beneath their notice [...] Topsey-turvey, Arsey-versy, An inversion of capitals and fundamentals. | ||
Gloss. (1888) I 36: †arsie-versie. upside down. | ||
Peter Simple (1911) 293: You observe, Terence, that I just said everything contrary and arce versa, as they call it. | ||
Hist. and Antiquities Boston 698: Arsy varsy. — Heels over-head; wrong end forward. ‘Vice-vercy’. | ||
Derbyshire Times 26 July 5/2: Arsey-Varsey. Head over heels (derived from the Fr. ‘à renverse à revers’. | ||
My Secret Life (1966) XI 2198: We laid pell mell on the bed together, topsy-turby, — arsy-versy, and any how and in all sorts of ways. | ||
Warwickshire Word-Book 12: Arsy-versy. Topsy-turvy, upside down. | ||
Shiralee 89: It had an arsy-versy look about it to him. | ||
Eng. Creek 247: All his haystacks are gonna tip assy-turvy before winter. |
2. head-over-heels; usu. in phr. fall arsey-varsey, fall head-over-heels.
Postboy Robb’d 173: Go to, (quoth River) let us not enter Rome, that is, not into a Discourse of arsey-versey Love [F&H]. | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Dict. of Invective (1991) 26: ass over teakettle. Upside down, head over heels; arse over turkey in British English, or arsy varsy. |
3. contrary, perverse, preposterous.
Eng. Moor III ii: It is the Arsivarsiest Aufe that ever crept into the world. | ||
in Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. n.p.: arsy-versey, topsy-turvy, preposterously, perversely without order. |