Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bakore n.

[Afk. bak, a bowl + ore, ears]

(S.Afr.) large, protruding ears.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
Darling 30 Aug. 123: And you at the back with the bak ore, quit screeching ‘Change the ref!’ willya [DSAE].
D. Kramer in Cosmopolitan May 102: For two bob one of the Krynauw brothers [...] would.. shave my head with an electric clipper [...] My bakore then protruded like two lilies from the side of my head and if I blushed they would turn a bright pink and glow in the dark [DSAE].
A. Shepherd on Radio 5 8 Feb. [radio] I think it’s a guy with incredibly big bakore on the back of a bakkie [DSAE].