Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tiddleywink n.1

[? titley n. + (on the) wink, surreptitiously]

1. (also tiddlywink, tidleywink) an unlicensed establishment (e.g. a beerhouse, pawnbroker’s or brothel).

[UK]J.T.J. Hewlett Parsons and Widows (1857) 228: This most abominable business, which does more to demoralise and ruin the lower classes than a Tom and Jerry, tidley-wink, or gin-shop.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

2. (also tiddlewink) a snack, a bite of food.

J.A. Barry Brown’s Bunyip 34: A drop o’ good stuff, now, to wash these ’ere tiddlewinks down with.