Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Very Best n.

(Aus.) Victoria Bitter brand beer.

Google Groups:news.newusers.questions 17 Sept. 🌐 i have been reading this thread with avid interest waiting for someone to come up with an ode to the FABULOUS beer that is VB!!!!! [reply] Vitamin B, Very Best...
[Aus]S. Aggarwal Business Quiz Bk 61: In a testament to its long history and popularity, VB has acquired a number of nicknames, ranging from the abbreviated ‘Vic Bitter’, polite ‘Very Best’, ‘Vitamin B’, ‘Veebs’ and ‘Victory Beer’ .
Techly 15 May 🌐 I for one, am quite partial to a VB (aka The Very Best, Green Devils, Vitamin B, Victory Beer).