Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bang n.4

also bhang
[Hind. भंग (bhaṅg), भँग (bhaṁg), Cannabis sativa; the term appears in Eng. in mid-16C but its use (through to mid-20C+) is simply as an exotic foreign word; by the 1930s, as bang, it was incorporated, slightly mis-spelt, into popular slang, a process that was accelerated by returnees from the ‘Hippie trail’ of the 1960s; bhang itself remains primarily a technical term, used to describe cannabis as produced and consumed in India and Pakistan]

cannabis, esp. in the form of hashish.

[[UK]J. Ovington Voyage to Suratt, in the Year, 1689 369: I observ’d that they [faquirs] drunk very freely of Bang, steep’d in Water, while I stood among them, whose Intoxicating quality is very apt to disturb the Brain].
[UK]J.-H. Grose Voyage to the East-Indies 197: BANG is [...] an intoxicating herb [...] and it is hard to say what pleasure can be found in the use of it, being very disagreeable to the taste, and violent in its operation, which produces a temporary madness, that in some, when designedly taken for that purpose, ends in running what they call a-muck, furiously killing every one they meet, without distinction till themselves are knocked on the head like mad dogs.
[[UK]Trial of Maha Rajah Nundocomar II 26/2: Is he such an ideot, as not to know his brother? [...] Does he smoke bang?].
[UK][William Macintosh] Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa II 8: On this occasion, two Marrattas intoxicated with bang, (a decoction of a seed somewhat like hemp-seed) advanced within an hundred yards of our lines, under a heavy fire, brandishing their swords, and making signs, by waving with their hands, for their companions to follow them.
[Ind]G. Hadley Compendious Grammar (5 edn) 78: I have eat bang, am very lascivious, oh! oh!
[Ind]M. Wills Hist. Sketches of South India III 237: The use of bang or opium among the horsemen of India, is a familiar preparation for a desperate charge, mischievous at the best, even for that single purpose.
[Ind][G.R. Gleig] Subaltern’s Log-book (1829) I 143: The Moor dealers give bang to the vicious horses, which makes them so stupid for a few weeks they are incapable of playing any tricks.
[Ind]Asiatic Jrnl & Mthly Register (Jan.-Apr.) 116: I had no flaunting roués amongst my Mohammedan attendants [...] who smoked bang, drank liquids somewhat stronger than sherbet, played at dice, and climbed the walls of the neighbouring zenanas.
[Ind]J.H. Stocqueler Oriental Interpreter 178/1: The Hindoo, however, prefers a drug called bang, which produces alternately the exciting and stupefying effects of opium.
[US]Harper’s Mag. Apr. n.p.: The gunjah of Calcutta is the plant gathered when in flower, dried, and put up in bundles. Bhang – under the maddening influence of which the Delhi rebels are said to have committed such atrocities – consists of the larger leaves and seed-pods [...] Gunjah, boiled in butter, yields an extract also called hasheesh.
[UK]Confessions of an Eng. Hachish-Eater 2: This resinous extract is the foundation of bang, and is known in different parts of Asia as canop, churrus, chutsao, ganjah, gindshi, hachish, majum, malach, sjarank, and subjah.
[Ind]L. Emanuel Jottings [...] of a Bengal ‘qui hye’ 112: Deep draughts of the maddening ‘Bang’.
[UK]E. Pugh City Of The World 321: The vices of opium-smoking and bhang and hashish chewing. [Ibid.] 322: Within these walls [...] you will find a number of silent men sitting in the semi-darkness, enjoying their kaif, which is Eastern for dolce far niente. They loll [...] some chewing betel or bhang or hashish, others supine and blissfully unconscious in the throes of an opium dream.
[UK]T. Burke Limehouse Nights 155: He was a dreadful doper. Sometimes he would chew betel nut or bhang or hashish, but mostly it was a big jolt of yen-shi.
[UK]E.M. Forster Passage to India (1984) I 44: [H]e knew something of discredit to every one of his guests [...] When they had not cheated, it was bhang, women, or worse.
[UK]Lancs. Eve. Post 8 Mar. 6/5: ‘Good Lord, young chap, what the h— is that awful muck you’re smoking?’ [...] ‘It’s what the coolies call “bhang”, sir’.
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks 5/1: Bang, mariahuana, [sic] hemp, hashish.
[US] ‘Jargon of Marihuana Addicts’ in AS XV:3 Oct. 336/2: The drug, itself, is known as bhang, hasheesh, hashish [...].
[US]R.R. Lingeman Drugs from A to Z (1970) 45: bhang (1) leaves, stem, and sometimes fruit of the marijuana plant, cannabis sativa.
[UK]‘Hassan-i-Sabbah’ Leaves of Grass 21: Reckoning it as being the cheapest grade bhang.
[UK]S. McConville ‘Prison Language’ in Michaels & Ricks (1980) 525: Cannabis indica [...] might be smoked [...] or, as bhang, taken orally.
E. Damerson in Dusted Mag. at 🌐 As dragging on a charge has never been as troublesome or habit-forming as hitting the sauce, the bhang will never inspire the deluge of musical tributes that booze does.
[UK]Observer 1 Feb. 4/1: Arrested [...] for possession of marijuana, after allegedly being caught with a single joint of ‘bhang’.

In derivatives

bhanged (adj.)

(Anglo-Ind.) intoxicated by hashish.

[Ind]W.H. Jeremie Furlough Reminiscences 219: This poor wretch having lately ‘kept it up’ was so bhanged, that in his descent, finding the stool sticking in his posteriors, he fancied the dread ogress Kali had him in her clutches.
[Ind]T. Lowe Central India During the Rebellion Mar. 290: Some of them were so bhanged, or overcome by opium, that they lay down like drunkards with their muskets in their hands unable to move.
M.W. Carr Supp. to Coll. Telugu Proverbs 57: He runs about like a Bhanged monkey.
[Ind]Yule & Burnell Hobson-Jobson 45/1: Banged – is also used as a participle, for ‘stimulated by bang,’e.g. ‘banged up to the eyes’.