Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ruffian n.1

also ruffin

an assassin, a (murderous) thug; a bouncer for a brothel; occas. as adj.; thus ruffianous adj.

[UK]Institucion of a Gentleman (1st edn) C iii: A man of most noughty and Ruffianous life.
[UK]R. Edwards Damon and Pithias (1571) Eiiii: He is but a tame Ruffian, That can swere by his flaske [...] and Gods precious lady: And yet he will be beaten with a faggot stick.
[UK]Institucion of a Gentleman 12: The poor seruing man when he playeth the varlet he is called a Ruffian, or a Ruffynly knaue.
[UK]Three Ladies of London II: Enter Fraud with a Sword and a Buckler like a Ruffian.
[UK]G. Harvey Pierce’s Supererogation 137: Huff, Ruff, and Snuffe, the three tame ruffians of the Church.
[UK]Dekker Belman of London H: [The] cony being trayned home to a lodging, where he falles to Nibling; in comes a Ruffian with a drawne rapier, calles the Punck (as she is) damned whore, askes what Rogue that is, and what he does with his wife.
[UK]Chapman Widow’s Tears II i: Profane ruffians, squires to bawds and strumpets.
[UK]R. Speed Counter Scuffle A3: Twas ill that men of sober dyet [...] Were plac’d with Ruffins, that to ryot Were giuen.
W. Lithgow Adventures 2: Ruffian Pandors, by hopefull youth and prodigall gallants, are now clothed, Coatched, and richly rewarded.
[UK]Ford Lady’s Trial V i: Ruffian, out of my doors! thou comest to rob me.
[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Rabelais III 12: He was the most manifest Ruffian, Wencher, Whoremonger, and most infamous Cuckoldmaker that ever breath’d.
[UK]Wandring Whore II 13: We have our Ruffians (such as your Hectors) that will tear the nations.
[UK]T. Shadwell Squire of Alsatia III i: He is a Ruffian, and a Cock-bawd to that Hen.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Ruffin [...] an Assasin.
[UK]Hell Upon Earth 6: Cook Ruffian (that scalded the Devil in his Feathers) comes to him for Three Pence.
Dublin Intelligencer 11 Sept. 2/2: 3 Ruffians assaulted the Postboy [...] and carried off the Munster mail.
[UK]New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698].
[UK]Derby Mercury 14 Jan. 3/2: ‘List of Officers which are established in the most notorious Gaming Houses [...] Common Bail, Affidavit Men, Ruffins, Bravoes, Assassins, cum multis aliis.
L. Pilkington Memoirs (1928) I 125: Suddenly methought I was in the midst of a parcel of ruffians who were fighting.
[UK]W. Kenrick Falstaff’s Wedding (1766) IV x: Had we not better hire some ruffian’s poniard; One whose miscarriage might not even reach us.
[UK]Treatise upon Publicans 2: If he has not the right use of his limbs, how can he encounter with a ruffian, or one that is irregular, to get him out of the house?
[UK]M. Leeson Memoirs (1995) III 222: A blasphemous prostitute. Who shared her charms indiscriminately with every ruffian who could afford a price.
[US]T.G. Fessenden Democracy Unveiled 13: Since ye are a ruffian crew / As honest Jack Ketch ever knew .
[UK]B.H. Malkin (trans.) Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) II 157: Our anchorite was at one transformed to a brawny ruffian of eight-and-twenty.
[UK]Chester Courant 28 July4/2: A mad-brained Ruffian of quality flew at the four-in-hand.
[UK]N.T.H. Bayly Spitalfields Weaver I ii: You — you challenge me like a ruffian.
[Ire]Wexford Indep. 23 July 3/5: Some maliciously disposed ruffian or ruffians pulled down the front wall of an loffice [...] and smashed a jaunting car.
[UK]Western Times 1 June 5/5: [He] was dressed with an elaboration of ruffianism. A bottle-green coat, a plush waistcoat, a belcher neckerchief, etc.
[Ire]Cork Examiner 31 May 4/6: A ruffian has fired at an Irish landlord.
[US]J.D. McCabe Lights and Shadows of N.Y. Life 542: Another class of those who live in open defiance of the law consists of the ‘Roughs.’ The New York Rough is simply a ruffian.
Sth Wales Echo 7 Apr. 2/4: [headline] A Cardiff Ruffian Imprisoned.