Green’s Dictionary of Slang

vry v.

also fraai, fray, frey
[synon. Afk. vry]

(S.Afr.) to caress amorously, to pet; to court, to woo.

Trollope in Mackinnon S. Afr Traits 118: They are very great at making love or ‘freying,’ as they call it [DSAE].
[SA]G.H. Russell Under the Sjambok 77: I think the Landrost was fraaing (courting) the young woman.
[SA]A. Jackson Trader on Veld 33: He had come to ‘vry’ (court) the young ‘nooi’ (daughter of the house) [DSAE].
[SA]P. Slabolepszy Sat. Night at the Palace (1985) 40: I gripping this chick. [...] Her folks were out and we were fraying.

In derivatives

vrytijie (n.)


[SA]S. Roberts ‘Cleft Stick’ Outside Life’s Feast 89: It’s lekker to live a bit; to have a few drinks and a little vrytijie. [...] Ag, I like a cherrie with a soft oily kind of skin.