Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pom-pom n.1

[? imitative of the rhythm of intercourse]

the vagina; thus sexual intercourse; a sexually attractive woman; thus pom-pom boy, a brothel owner, a pimp; pom-pom girl, a prostitute; pom-pom house, a brothel;.

‘Sukahachee and Pompom and Korean Saki’ in Banglestien’s Bar n.p.: Sukahachee and pompom and Korean saki / They’ll drive you carazy [sic] they’ll drive you insane.
[US]B. Appel Plunder (2005) 206: Pom-pom girls, the sweethearts of any GI with ten pesos. [Ibid.] 209: He was thinking of the Manila that was a pom-pom house. [Ibid.] 219: I’ve got a deal for you. A deal in pom-pom! [Ibid.] 220: We have a party. You ask a couple of big pom-pom boys .
[US](con. 1950) E. Frankel Band of Brothers 274: The girl had been approached in the universal language of troops: ‘Push-push, baby? Pom-pom, honey? You-me beddy-bye, doll?’.
[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 340: I want to get me some pom-pom down in the Joint Motor Pool! [Ibid.] 319: This is the kind of night when I could lay up with me some nice fat pom-pom. [Ibid.] 338: With Maria, that’s forty-eight pounds of plump and juicy pom-pomming pussy.
[Aus]L. Haylen Big Red 186: Blackfellow no read [...] Only short words like axe, tree and grub and ziggy-zig, pom-pom!
[UK]‘Q’ Deadmeat 237: There’s nough pom-pom for everybody tonight. It’s going to be raining sex.