Green’s Dictionary of Slang

burnt adj.1

[burn out v.]
(mainly US campus)

1. (orig. Aus.) disappointed, betrayed, esp. sexually.

[Aus]Argus (Melbourne) 13 Mar. 7/5: The Queen of Moomba, 19-year-old Fay Chapman, was really ‘burnt up’ last night — because she wasn’t asked to speak after being crowned.
[US]Current Sl. III–IV (Cumulation Issue).

2. emotionally drained.

[US]P. Munro Sl. U.

3. (also burndt) embarrassed.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 1: burnt – embarrassed : Brenda was burnt when she fell up the stairs.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 2: burndt – thoroughly embarrassed (n-d-t prolonged and pronounced).

4. (also burnt out) physically exhausted.

[[US]Trumble Sl. Dict. (1890) 10: Burnt out. Worn out roués; played out].
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Spring 2: burnt out – worn out, exhausted.
[US]Da Bomb 🌐 5: Burnt: Worn down. Tired.
[UK]Guardian Weekend 14 Aug. 3: He appeals to people who are foul-mouthed, burnt-out and who will never produce anything of worth.

5. mentally impaired from drug use.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Sept. 2: burnt – mentally muddled because of excessive drug use.