Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rampallian n.

[SE ramp, to act in a threatening manner]

a ruffian, scoundrel, villain.

[UK]G. Harvey Pierce’s Supererogation 146: The daggletaild rampalion bustleth from the frank-tenement of the dunghill.
[UK]Shakespeare Henry IV Pt 2 II i: Away, you scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I’ll tickle your catastrophe.
[UK]J. Cook Greenes Tu Quoque Scene iv: ’Tis not your sawsege face, thicke clowted creame rampallion at home, that snuffles in the nose like a decayed Bagge-pipe.
[UK]Beaumont & Fletcher Honest Man’s Fortune II ii: Out upon them, rampallions! I’ll keep myself safe enough out of their fingers.
[UK]R. Davenport New Tricke to Cheat the Divell I ii: And bold Rampallion like, swear and drinke drunke .
[Scot](con. early 17C) W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel III 51: I was almost strangled with my own band by twa rampallians who wanted yestreen [...] to harle me into a change-house.