Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Rum ville n.

also Rom-vile, Rome-vile, Romeville, Rome-vyle, Rum File, Rum-vile, Rum-vill, Rumville
[rum adj. (1) + SE vill, village]

1. (UK Und.) London.

[UK]Harman Caveat for Common Cursetours in Viles & Furnivall (1907) 84: Rome vyle London.
[UK]Groundworke of Conny-catching A3 (b): What stowe you bene cose and cut benar whydds and byng we to Rome vyle to nyp a bounge.
[UK]Dekker Lanthorne and Candle-Light Ch. 1: And bing we to Rome-vile: and goe we to London.
[UK]Middleton & Dekker Roaring Girle V i: A gage of ben rom-bouse / In a bousing ken of Rom-vile.
[UK]Dekker ‘Canting Song’ O per se O O1: Bingd out bien Morts and toure, bing out of the Rome-vile: And towre the coue, that cloyde your duds vpon the chates to trine.
[UK]Dekker ‘Canting Song’ in Eng. Villainies (8th edn) O2: Bing a waste to Rome-vile then.
[UK]J. Taylor Crabtree Lectures 191: Mort. I will bing to the Coves and the Morts, and whid to them for Lower, that thou maist budge out of the Naskin: and then budge into the Rum-vile.
[UK]Dekker ‘Canters Dict.’ Eng. Villainies (9th edn).
[Ire]Head Eng. Rogue I 51: Rome-vile, London.
[Ire]Head Canting Academy (2nd edn) 178: Rum-vile London.
[UK]R. Holme Academy of Armory Ch. iii item 68c: Canting Terms used by Beggars, Vagabonds, Cheaters, Cripples and Bedlams. [...] Rome vile, London.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Rum-ville, c. London.
[UK]J. Shirley Triumph of Wit (5 edn) 194: The Prancer drew the Quere Cove at the cropping of the Rottam through the Rum pads of the Rum-vill, and was flogg’d by the Nubbing-cove.
[UK]J. Hall Memoirs (1714) 13: Rumvil, London.
[UK]A. Smith Lives of Most Notorious Highway-men, etc. (1926) 206: As the prancer drew the queer cove, at the cropping of the rotan, the rum pads of the Rumvile, and was flogged by the rum-cove, i.e., the rogue was dragged at the cart’s tail through the chief streets of London and was soundly whipped by the hangman.
[UK]New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698].
[UK]Bailey Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. c.1698].
[UK]Canting Academy, or the Pedlar’s-French Dict. 116: London Rum File.
[UK]Scoundrel’s Dict. 18: London – Rumville.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Romeville, London (cant). [Ibid.] Rum ville. See rome ville.
[UK]H.T. Potter New Dict. Cant (1795).
[UK]G. Andrewes Dict. Sl. and Cant.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK](con. 1737–9) W.H. Ainsworth Rookwood (1857) 193: I want a little ready cash in Rumville – beg pardon, ma’am, London I mean.
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 130/1: Rome ville, London.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.

2. (US Und.) New York City.

[US]Matsell Vocabulum.
[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 21 Sept. n.p.: Not a day passes that we do not see an account of some country merchant being ‘put through’ in ‘Romeville’.
[US]D. Hammett Maltese Falcon (1965) 356: ‘That would go over big back on Seventh Avenue. But you’re not in Romeville now. You’re in my burg’ .