Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sassinger n.

also sassenger, sassidge, sassiger, sausenger, saussenger, saussinger, sossinger

1. a sausage.

[UK]W.T. Moncrieff Tom and Jerry II vi: What! de turkey widout de sassinger!
[UK]Bell’s Life in London 23 Dec. 2/5: Tom Belcher agreed [...] to make ’em a gift of a Turkey [...] with its best friends the sassengers.
[UK]Cruikshank & Wight Sun. in London 58: Hot sassengers – all hot!
[UK]Marryat Snarleyyow I 202: I’ll kill the brute wherever I find him, and make him into saussingers, just for the pleasure of eating him.
[UK]J. Grant Sketches in London 55: Them ’ere saussengers were good ’uns.
[UK]‘Paul Pry’ Oddities of London Life I 55: Assailed [...] with the fumes of savoury ‘hot sassingers’.
[UK] ‘Joe Buggins’ Gentleman’s Spicey Songster 36: There was sassingers and bil’d cows’ livers and taters in nice dripping fried.
[US]D. Corcoran Pickings from N.O. Picayune (1847) 151: I felt like eating a sassenger.
[US] ‘How Sally Hooter Got Snake-Bit’ in T.A. Burke Polly Peablossom’s Wedding 70: A great big sausenger, ’bout as big as your arm.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 24 July 2/7: Clements, a manufacturer and vendor of ‘sassingers’.
[UK]E.B. Christy Box and Cox in Darkey Drama 6 7: I bort a lot of sassengers at de Dutch butcher’s.
[US]C. White Magic Penny in Darkey Drama 5 Act I: joe: (discovers the horns on the other’s head), Well dar, whoeber seed a man wid a pair ob sassengers on his head?
[UK]C. Hindley Life and Times of James Catnach 138: Vat’s dat I hears! No sassingers to de turkey?
[US]R.C. Hartranft Journal of Solomon Sidesplitter 118: Is them there sassengers good uns?
[UK]Mirror of Life 5 Jan. 11/2: The ‘Holy Land,’ that charmed and almost sacred stronghold of Saint Giles’s, where at the mendicants’ symposium, Rats' Castle, the beggars grumbled if their turkey was served without ‘sassangers’.
[UK]J.D. Brayshaw Slum Silhouettes 59: She cooks sossingers a treat.
[UK]Kipling ‘The Flag of Their Country’ Complete Stalky & Co. (1987) 205: Let’s go down to Keyte’s and get some cocoa and sassingers.
[UK]E.W. Rogers [perf. T.E. Dunville] ‘All One Price’ 🎵 Hair cut, billiards, or a sassidge what say, you want a lady massage?
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 26 July. 65/3: Even slink sossidges at 5d. cash are 25 per cent dearer .
[UK]Gem 30 Sept. 9: Towser seemed to like the sossingers.
[Aus]Truth (Melbourne) 12 Dec. 6/6: [He] did sell chip potato / Likewise of the sassinger.
[UK]Western Dly Press (Bristol) 4 Mar. 3/4: Two waistcoat buttons [...] had hidden themselves in an ‘all pork’ sassinger.

2. a German, also attrib.

[UK]Music Hall & Theatre Rev. 6 July 6/2: The Sassenger Party drowned his insult about three fathoms deep in the gentle beer .
Dreadnought 5 Sept. 8/1: What are you doing with that Sossidger’s war-hat on? I took you for a German.