Green’s Dictionary of Slang

stall-fed adj.

[synon. dial.; the image is of an indulged animal, e.g. a horse or cow]

(Irish) pampered.

[UK]Jonson Staple of News I ii: All the world are suitors to her [...] You shall have stall-fed doctors, cramm’d divines, Make love to her.
[UK]London Eve. Standard 25 May 7/7: ‘Stall-Fed Ranters’ [...] They get too fat and pampered.
[UK]Belfast News-Letter 14 Sept. 5/3: How many children — I have fourteen of them. — [...] Some stall-fed and some not (Laughter).
[US]H.L. Wilson Somewhere in Red Gap 57: They was just plain Mr. and Mrs. Mad. Both of ’em stall-fed.
[UK]Yorks. Eve. Post 25 Feb. 4/3: The Stall-Fed Young Engineer [...] All is well in their own little world, and they will not budge until they are forced.
[Ire]C. Brown Down All the Days 183: I keep telling you to come here. You won’t be stall-fed, but you’ll get your share of what’s going.
[Ire]E. Crowley Cowslips and Chainies 41: A lazy bastard, lying on his arse morning noon and night when he wasn’t in his mother’s being stall-fed, or in the public house drinking the money she gave him.