Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mongrel adj.

also mungrel

an abusive epithet.

[UK]Shakespeare King Lear II ii: One that art nothing but the composition of a knave [...] and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch.
[UK]Parliament of Ladies 5: In comes a Seargiant from the House of Ladyes, at Mistris Chips assembled, in the name of which, he pronounces this an unlawfull Assemble, (a junto, a Mungrill Parliament) .
[WI]J.B. Moreton West India Customs and Manners 111: They [...] are obligated to negroe and mungrel wenches for the principal part of their education.
[UK]Manchester Times 10 oct. 2/6: Mongrel Humanity. Language cannot furnish a censure more condemnatory of the political system of England.
Reynolds’s Newspaper (London) 25 June 3/2: He intends to set up a mongrel republic of so feeble and ludicrous a kind tha’, like an Aunt Sally, everyone will aim at his head, till the miserable thing is knocked over.
[Scot]Edinburgh Eve. News 13 May 3/4: Mongrel Nonconformists [...] Enlightened Episcopalians could have no respect for mongrel breeds.
[Aus]H. Lawson ‘His Country After All’ in While the Billy Boils (2007) 52: Why, it’s only the mongrel desert, except some bits around the coast. The worst dried-up and God-forsaken country I was ever in.
[Aus]H. Lawson Romance of the Swag 270: ‘Now, look here, you mongrel parson!’ he said.
[UK]Western Dly Press 15 Apr. 3/3: Had not the time come for a trade union party, instead of the present mopngrel nondescript kind of thign?
[UK]Western Dly Press 16 Feb. 5/4: Mongrel Politics. A Doggy Smile Resented.
[UK]B. Lubbock Bully Hayes 169: All the riffraff and ragtag o’ the Seven Seas [...] and worst of the lot, a whole gaol-load of mongrel whites and half-castes of all sorts.
[Scot]Dundee Courier 25 Mar. 10/5: It was this mongrel system that gave rise to the trouble.
[Aus]J.E. Macdonnell Jim Brady 222: What hope have them mongrel Dagos got now?
[Aus]D. O’Grady A Bottle of Sandwiches 89: Bloody rotten up-jump [...] hooin’ rotten mongrel bloody stinkin’ flamin’ mongrel bloody bastard.
[Aus]D. Ireland Burn 139: You mongrel bloody copper!
[NZ]G. Johnston Fish Factory 171: Dirty, mongrel drunkards!
[Aus]S. Watson Kadaitcha Sung 96: By gee I be glad to get out of here, it’s a real mongrel bloody place.
[Aus](con. 1945–6) P. Doyle Devil’s Jump (2008) 54: Scabs! Scabs! Mongrel scabs!