Green’s Dictionary of Slang

p.c. adj.


politically correct, ideologically pure.

[UK]Kirk & Madsen After The Ball 302: In a community in which every gay wants to be ‘p.c.-er’ than thou.
[UK]Indep. 12 July 20: Not a dictator with a PC conscience either.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 154: PC Politically correct, the right way to behave at present, eg, ‘Tim is one PC Pakeha, always has to say kia ora when he meets you.’.
R.T. Anderson When Harry Became Sally 211: Medical experts not blinded by a PC ideology must also work together to devise good standards of care.
[US]J. McWhorter Woke Racism 19: [A]fter the 1980s many started disidentifying from being ‘too PC’.