Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cell n.

In compounds

cell gangster (n.) (also cell warrior)

(US prison) one who poses as tough while in their cell, but follows orders elsewhere.

[US]Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Cell Gangster: One who talks tough locked in his cell. Then says nothing when out of cell. (NY) Also known as a ‘cell warrior.’ (AK).
[US]Prison Slang Mommyblogger 26 Sept. 🌐 If your little cell warrior continues to bug out, tell her in a firm voice that she needs to stay dead mouthed until she gives you a dime of flat time.
cell 99 (n.)

(US und.) the coroner’s office.

[US]‘The Lang. of Crooks’ in Wash. Post 20 June 4/2: [paraphrasing J. Sullivan] Cell No. 99 is a Coroner’s office.
cell task (n.) [ironic reference to the official cell tasks set prisoners. The pin-up’s real-life incarnation would obviously make a preferable ‘task’ to that set by the authorities]

(UK prison) a pin-up picture.

[UK]P. Tempest Lag’s Lex. 39: ‘Cell task.’ An esoteric joke, current in all prisons, is to refer to any pin-up girl or to any female (and, regrettably, to certain males) with such a remark as ‘Blimey, I couldn’t arf use ’er for a cell task.’.

In phrases

cell with the blue light (n.)

(N.Z. prison) an observation cell.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 39/2: cell with the blue light an observation cell for mentally unbalanced or suicidal inmates.