Green’s Dictionary of Slang

eno n.



[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK](con. 1840s–50s) H. Mayhew London Labour and London Poor I 411/2: There’s people there talk backward – for one they say eno.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) 11: Eno - One.
[Scot]Edinburgh Eve. News 26 Dec. 3/5: ‘Eno’ is one; ‘owt,’ two; ‘eerth,’ three; ‘rouaf,’ four; ‘exif,’ five; and ‘xis’ pronounced exes, six.
[US]J. Burkardt ‘Back Sl.’ Wordplay 🌐 eno: one.