Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gaffle v.

[dial. gaffle, to encumber, to tease, to incommode]

1. (US) to snatch, to steal, to round up.

[US]Carr & Chase ‘Word-List From Eastern Maine’ in DN III:iii 244: gaffle on to, v. phr. Possess oneself of hastily, or without formality. ‘I gaffled on to that in a hurry.’.
C.B. Kelland Scattergood Baines Pulls the Strings 163: Naow, about Marjie’s money. How’d ye manage to gaffle onto that?
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn) 93: gaffle on to To seize; to steal.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall.
[US]Ebonics Primer at 🌐 gaffle Definition: to rob or assault someone Example: Example I was out on the Avenue when these homies came up and gaffled me fo my shit.

2. (US Und.) to arrest.

[US]T. Runyon In For Life 96: Someone would arrive who had hung a great deal of paper before getting gaffled.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 49: Far as she was concerned, the feds who gaffled him up were angels of mercy.
[US](con. 1988) K. Scott Monster (1994) 365: He [...] was gaffled for two hot ones.

3. (US prison) to lock up in solitary confinement.

[US]M. Braly On the Yard (2002) 282: Jesus, am I glad to see you. I heard they had you gaffled.

4. (US) to hoax, to deceive.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall.
[US]L. Stavsky et al. A2Z.
[US]W.T. Vollmann Royal Family 256: The assholes that ripped me off and gaffled me and jacked me up.

5. (US teen) to ruin someone’s plans.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall.

6. to have sexual intercourse.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall.

7. (US drugs) to sell fake crack cocaine.

McShane & Williams Drug Use and Policy 411: We don’t allow no dope feens trying to gaffle our customers.

8. (US gang) to ambush.

[US](con. 1990s) in J. Miller One of the Guys 162: ‘His boy was like, “Yeah, that’s the punk ass nigger that tried to gaffle me”’.

9. (US prison) to place in handcuffs.

[US]Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Gaffle: To handcuff a prisoner.