Green’s Dictionary of Slang

all about phr.

(US campus) completely obsessed with, a phr. describing the subject of one’s interest or desire, that which matters in a given situation; also used as a general intensifier.

[US]Da Bomb 🌐 all about (adj) 1. Something you are very enthusiastic about or very into; something you want. I’m all about surfing the web during work hours. I’m all about that gorgeous guy over there. [University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1998; University of Georgia at Athens, Athens, GA, 1998; Ottawa University, Ottawa, KS, 1998; Elizabethtown University, PA] 2. What is important in a given situation. It’s all about making the grade. [Smith College, Northampton, MA] 3. An intensifying phrase. You put it in front of a gerund. He’s all about eating. Cheri’s all about hooking up. Professor Stewart is all about grading on the curve. [Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1999].
[US]B. Coleman Rakim Told Me 182: By late 1987 into early 1988, it was all about Eazy's record, which hit first and paved the way for Straight Outta Compton.
[US]L. Berney Gutshot Straight [ebook] ‘I like Panama too [...] I’m newly all about Central America’.
J, Lanier You Are Not a Gadget 78: Marx was all about technological change.
[UK]‘Aidan Truhen’ Price You Pay 162: Hey Price! You don’t eat ham? I’m all about the ham Volodya just not today.
[US]J. Hannaham Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit 147: So naturally I’m all bout that bout that, despite the perfect man I got up in prison.